I ordered a new book called "Ten Easy Ties" on a recommendation from a new tier on www.washingtonlakes.com. He said that he tied all of them and they turned out good looking. I think it would increase my confidence and give me good practice.
I went to the website of Ian Colin James [http://www3.sympatico.ca/ianjames/]. Wow what a cool site. Lots of great information and he has a great sense of humor. He has a step-by-step instruction for a fly called Megan's Minnow and it looks really good and not too difficult to tie. I want to tie this up and send it to Brother Larry since he said he had not made time to fish for a long time. He lives in Montana, only the absolute best fly fishing state in the union! I have uploaded an image of the minnow as tied by Ian and I will upload an image of mine when I get it tied.