Went out for the first time with my craigslist.com electric motor. What a great investment! Put into Lacamas Lake at the old boat launch. Met up with a couple of guys who said they from the midwest and were looking for crappie. The were sort of rude...I asked for help and they ridiculed me instead. Probably did not mean to.
I caught FOUR great fish. I went to the mouth of the creek that feeds Lacamas and did not know what to do. There was no structure visible since the water was down very low. I did see two trees sticking out of the water about a foot so I had rigged my pole with a sliding float so that the float would allow about 4 1/2 to 5 feet of line under the surface. Threaded a nice fat night crawler on the hook and cast right between the trees. It was so cool after about 30 seconds the float drops I set the hook and WOW it felt like a huge fish. The fish jumped completely out of the water twice before I boated her (I say her because when I cleaned the fish she had eggs) when I did finally get her in the boat there she lay...the biggest fish I had caught as an adult. No one was with me, I did not know what to say. I was so excited I forgot to measure my fish before I cleaned them and cut off their heads, but I estimated this Brown Trout was about 11 or 12 inches long. I ended up catching two more about 8 inches long and releasing them. I caught two more Browns about 10 inches and a rainbow the same size.
When I finished there I started back and thought I would try and troll...I do not know how...did not go well. Fished along the way back and released a few small Yellow Perch.
The battery only lasted half the way back, which was OK I did not mind paddling back the other half.
All in all a VERY good day on the water.
By the way the reason I look goofy in the picture is that I am involved in a contest to catch five different freshwater fish:
Pan Fish
We have to submit a photo of ourselves with the fish making the O-Tay sign so they can tell we did not just dig up old photos.
Sore Lip 'em All
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